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5 Easy Branding Tips for Labels

Corporate Branding
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A company’s brand is what makes it stand out among the crowd. It’s your fifteen-second elevator pitch, your moment in the spotlight, and your platform to speak to the world. And that’s what makes a small company or organization’s brand so difficult to create and distribute.

What can you do to make your stickers and labels stand out from the competition when you’re working with a tight budget? Sticker Mountain is here with 5 easy branding tips when designing stickers and labels.

# 1 Keep it simple

It is extremely important to keep your labels and stickers simple. Many small companies that don’t have a person experienced in branding or advertising make this mistake at some point in time.  Remember that simple does not have to mean boring or plain. Think of Nike’s iconic logo: a simple swash that packs a punch.

#2 Put any and all required information first

If you create food, beverages, or cosmetics, there is certain information that you are required by law to include on your labels. Put this information first in order to protect your company/organization and yourself in case of any trouble.  It’s also a good idea to include any company-required information in a prominent place, such as a logo or motto. We also have a blog all about label compliance and whether your product needs to go through that process.

#3 Use color and images sparingly

Graphics, color, and images all have the same mission: to catch people’s eyes and attention. However, when they are all used together in the same, small space, they become overwhelming and messy.  If you are working on branding stickers as a solo professional or as a small team, use color and images carefully and infrequently in the larger scheme of things. This will enhance your sticker or label in the long run.

#4 Remember that less is more

In a small area of space, less is always more. People’s attention spans are shorter than ever, but certain things will always attract the eye. Let your product speak for itself after initial contact is made. For example, consider a stark black and white image of a mountain. It’s simple, elegant, and gets a certain message across. Clashing colors and twirly fonts detract from your carefully crafted image and lose people’s eyes.

#5 Don’t be afraid to let personality shine through!

Finally, don’t forget to showcase your company or organization! What makes you different? What makes you special? Your label or sticker may be the first impression a new customer has of you that carries them into a long-term relationship with your brand.

However, there is one catch: Don’t showcase your brand first. While many branding firms and designers start with the idea or core concepts behind the product, it’s very hard to replicate their process as a professional in a different field. That’s why we put simplicity, required information, color and image guidelines, and the axiom “Less is more” before this step.

And don’t forget: you can test and re-create what works! It’s impossible to fully predict or understand your target audience.

You’ll never know until you try, so give us a shot with a free sample pack!