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Employees First – The Sticker Mountain Way

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It’s easy to say that companies care about their employees. Similarly, it’s easy to order a cheap pizza or set aside a break room, or hand out little bags of sweets and small company swag pieces. These things don’t necessarily mean–or communicate–that a company really cares about its people. 

In particular, label companies don’t always have the best transparency about their employee treatment. In contrast, we want to change that here. Sticker Mountain is proud to share what we as a company do for our people and what exactly we offer to our employees. 

What We Do For Our Employees

First, the personal goals of our employees are important to us here at Sticker Mountain. Our personal support for our employees is 24/7 and HR’s door is always open. When our people aren’t happy, the company will not thrive. Instead, we work with our employees both on the job and beyond. For example, if you want an opportunity, it is there for the taking.

Additionally, we are proud to offer extended sick leave and accommodations for when our people need them. Specifically, our benefits include short-term disability, accident plans, 401K, dental, vision, and a wide variety of health plans to choose from as needed. If someone gets hurt, we want to support them. 

We also honor (to the best of the company’s ability) requests to change lines, facilitate learning, and change benefits to fit the individual or family in question. Our flexible sick leave and vacations are very important to the company and to our people.  

When many companies are having trouble hiring, we still find a way to keep people here. It’s an honor for us to work with you and we will keep it that way. 

This employee support is why we can create and ship labels the way we do. In reality, it’s all about our people. 

Our Shout Out to Our People!

This is our chance to say thank you to our employees and we want to make it count! It is only a small fraction of what we are grateful for, but it’s a start. 

Thank you, first of all, for your hard work and dedication. Thank you for the quality teams you create. A special thank you goes out to our managers who jump onto the floor and work on the machines when needed! 

Thank you for acting as a unified team of teams. Thank you for upholding our stance that no position is better than any other. Thank you for the network of support that you create for each other. Thank you for holding the company accountable when we make mistakes and mess up. 

Thank you for your participation in all of the fun activities and bonding days we’ve hosted this year! Thank you for including us in your circle as friends and colleagues. Most of all, thank you for making Sticker Mountain what it is today: a family business that makes the people who work there a family, continuing the traditions that started the company years ago. 

The Sticker Mountain Promise

Our promise–quality custom stickers at affordable prices–rests on our employees and their families. That’s why our promise is to care and take care of them. Sticker Mountain came out of a family dream and effort. Furthermore, we carry that forward with today’s employees and we’re setting the foundations for the future to carry on that dream for each and every one of us. 

It’s the Sticker Mountain way.