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Small Business Spotlight: Make and C Homemade Goods

make and c handmade goods candles
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Who is Make and C Handmade Goods?

Denver, Colorado, is the home to Melissa Kovach, the owner, and co-founder of Make and C Handmade Goods. The term Make and C comes from an old-fashioned way of saying excreta or other similar things. Melissa knew years and years ago that she was crafty and liked making fun handmade goods specific to people’s wants and needs. 

How It All Started

Melissa is not only a one-of-a-kind entrepreneur, but she and her husband would volunteer with animal rescue organizations and even would foster dogs on a regular basis. At the end of every year, there is an annual fundraiser to raise money for fostered dogs and other rescued animals. That year Melissa got adventurous and dipped into candle making instead of her usual blankets and collars. She made three different types of candles that represented the various stages of the rescue process. 

make and c with foster dog
pet rescue candles

These candles were a grand slam! Dog lovers were buying Make and C candles left and right. Melissa ended up raising a few thousand dollars for the fundraiser. This was the beginning of something incredible, and she didn’t even know it yet! Melissa and her husband love candles so much that when the covid-19 pandemic struck, she decided to take that opportunity to dive headfirst into learning how to make candles. 

After burning through the learning process of candle making (pun intended), Make and C Handmade Goods took off unexpectedly. In fact, Melissa has had so much success with candles she hasn’t had time to make any other crafts for Make and C.

A Calling to Expand Make and C Homemade Goods

make and c candles home

During the Covid-19 pandemic, Melissa felt a calling that she needed to step up her game and create something that would bring light and happiness to people’s lives. That was when Make and C Handmade Goods stepped it up a notch. Melissa wanted to stock her shelves with goods that were so unique and one of a kind that customers got exclusive products and got to have a great overall experience. When Melissa’s candle-making business took off, she sought out Sticker Mountain for custom labels representing her business. 

How Make and C Makes Candles

As Melissa learned, she realized how much detail goes into creating custom candles. It is a very science-based craft. Starting with melting the wax, Make and C uses an all-natural soy-based wax that needs to be melted at a temperature of 200 degrees and then cools to a “flashpoint,” which means you add your desired oils for smell and let the wax and scents mix! 

pouring wax make and c
curing candles make and c

Once the mixture is cooled off, Melissa pours the mixture into a vessel of choice. Interestingly, the candle has to cure for a minimum of two weeks before the candle can be ready to burn. The longer the candle cures, the stronger smelling the candle will be! Then, when the candle is cured and ready to be sold, Mellissa puts a custom label ordered from with her business name and logo on the top and a custom label on the bottom giving product information and warnings. 

fall make and c candles
home make and c candles

From the candle scent down to the wick choice, Make and C Handmade Goods customizes its candle labels to their customer likings and likes to keep seasonal brands on the shelves.

The Vision Doesn't Stop There

Make and C doesn’t stop at candles; Melissa has an even bigger vision for her business. She will eventually stock dog blankets, baby hats and blankets, tea towels, and many other sewn goods. Customers will even be able to order special crotched, knitted, or hand-sewn items.

Thank You For Choosing Us Make and C!

To watch the full interview with Make and C Handmade Goods, go to our Youtube page or watch below!

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Random Fact of the Day

Did you know the first dipped candles were made from tallow(animal fat) by the Romans in 500 B.C?