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Tips For Impressive and Trustworthy CBD Labels

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CBD product sales were at an all-time high in 2022; in 2023, they are expected to grow even more. What does this mean? This means CBD companies will need labels for all different types of containers to meet the demand. Additionally, CBD companies must follow specific rules and guidelines depending on the product type. 

As you know, CBD can be produced in many forms, for example oils, lotions, creams, and edibles. This also means the containers, and tincture bottles created for such products come in all shapes and sizes. Thus, creating a well designed, and appealing label is key to building trust with potential customers, and keeping current ones.

At Sticker Mountain, we take custom label and sticker orders extremely seriously. We pride ourselves on giving your company the best custom CBD labels on the market.

High-Quality CBD Labels=High-Quality Customers

The biggest underestimation in any industry is having a quality label. Everything about your product needs to be top-notch. Consequently, companies think that it is okay to skimp on the labels or stickers on the products. That is not a good idea! By investing in the right label for your brand, you’ll attract more customers because quality professional packaging creates trust in your product and brand.

A high-quality CBD label is:

CBD, Easy as 1, 2, 3!

label compliance examples

By being in the CBD industry, you know the importance of displaying the correct information. If you need to figure out some CBD label requirements, you can go to the FDA website, which will provide the required information. 

Next comes the fun part: designing your custom labels! Our state-of-the-art machines allow you to choose from countless shapes, sizes, and colors. CBD containers come in various tapered sizes, and at Sticker Mountain, you can accurately create labels for those containers without any extra die cost, thanks to our laser cutting machine! Keep in mind your competition and explore unique paths your brand can take, and implementing that into your label packaging.

Breaking Down CBD Labels

Brand or logo design– Make sure you create something that will represent who you are as a company that also delights customers.

Explanation- On your custom CBD label, it’s essential to explain what your product does. For example, “reduced muscle tension.” Customers need to know what they are buying and how to use it properly.

Colors- nothing says “look at me” more than vibrant, and consistent color schemes. Come together with our experienced and professional graphic artists to create a look that draws people in.

CBD levels– giving your customer information upfront will provide on-the-spot purchasing. Some people may need more CBD ml or even less CBD ml. If your product has what they need, they are 60% more likely to buy it on the spot. 

Make Your CBD Labels Stand Out

Nothing is stopping you. Start your order today! Sticker Mountain will guide you through any steps of the process you might need help on! 

Sticker Mountain is number one for having a sense of community. Whether large runs or small, we’ll go to any length to ensure your custom CBD labels will be perfectly printed. Please visit the FDA website or contact our customer service representatives for more information! If you are unsure where to begin designing or redesigning your custom label, please refer to our FAQ page or our YouTube channel for informational videos.

Random Fact of the Day

Did you know in 2022, it’s reported that over 26 million Americans have tried CBD? Of that 26 million people, 22% used it for supplements or over-the-counter prescriptions.